Have you ever felt comfortable sharing your drinking habits with your nearest and dearest? Probably not! In fact have you ever spoken out loud to anyone about it? 

Knowing that there are others there who drink like you do is SO SO freeing and is all part of the change process. My small group challenge is about connecting with others who "get you" and who will cheer you along on this mission to drink less. Connection is is THE BEST motivator


July Start Date: Monday, 1 July 2024


Hello, I am Isabella. I am an alcohol counsellor and co-host of the Not Drinking Today Podcast. I am also a recovered lawyer, an alcohol-free woman passionate about supporting others to drink less. Are you thinking of joining one of my signature alcohol freedom small group challenges?! I'd love to have you on board.


Hear from former challengers 

"Great value!" Isabella puts 100% effort into every aspect of this challenge. Each day of the challenge, I woke up to new information that kept me focussed. I felt incredibly supported. The best value for me was meeting my fellow members each week and checking in with them every couple of days. In fact we still meet now.  


Thank you Isabella for connecting me with a great group of women! I have felt alone in my struggle with alcohol for a long time and I knew I needed to find a small group. I am incredibly grateful that I found this challenge. I no longer feel alone. I know that this is not just my problem. It sounds simple, but talking to a group of women about what I was going through really helped. Thank you Isabella.


Isabella Ferguson

 "The beauty of this challenge is the connections you build with the other members all striving to achieve the same thing. The value is in the content and the videos. You learn so much about yourself and why alcohol has been your coping mechanism. You learn that you do not want to live in mediocrity any more. You discover how to live happily without alcohol."

Sadly, finding people who share this same goal AND who are prepared to talk about it is really hard to come by. Have you found this also?

Well, if connection is what you are after and you need a little push to drink less or stop all together, then this is what this challenge is all about.

I have run multiple challenges now and I am still amazed by the connections that are made and the excitement that members feel when they realise they can do this. Within the first 10 days, members report feeling less alone, happier and more confident.

Here you will find your community.

Plus, as we are a small group, you will actually get to talk and share and interact virtually twice a week on zoom. Daily interaction occurs inside your private Facebook group. I’d love you to join! I mean that. I would LOVE YOU  to join.

I am sure you have lots of questions. So keep reading!

If this sounds like what you have been looking for, then let me give you more detail. My challenges are all about knowledge, connection and action, what I believe are the key pillars of change around alcohol. This is what the challenge involves:

A private session

You and I have a private zoom session at a mutually agreed time

10 x Group Meetings

We all meet for 10  group zooms on Wednesdays & Sundays, 6pm (AEST) 

Daily Videos

30 plus daily videos on alcohol freedom topics to support and motivate


You will connect, share and interact with your challenge members in your private group and bi-weekly meetings to gain motivation and accoutability


You will receive my Alcohol Freedom Challenge E-Booklet designed to facilitate daily reflections on each alcohol freedom topic we cover


After the challenge you will gain access to your Facebook support community community to keep you resourced and connected (monthly free zooms)


This is for you if...

  • you are a Grey Area Drinker (you are not physically addicted)

  • you would like to throw your hat in the ring at going ALCOHOL FREE for at least 30 days as part of this challenge

  • you are keen to be motivated by other amazing humans sharing this common goal of ditching the booze

  • You have tried doing this for some time but just can't quite get there without some extra support

  • You are sick of seeing your life flash by you before your eyes waiting for your mojo to return but you just feel like this "drinking thing" is holding you back...!

  • you are looking for coaching from a registered alcohol counsellor (with lived experience), and

  • you are curious to learn about why you drink the way you do, how to deal with cravings and how to reach your drink less (or none at all!) goals and live  a healthier life.

  • Note: This is not for you if you are physically addicted to alcohol.

I bet you have loads of questions about the mechanics of this challenge

See how you go with these answers below but if you still have questions, please do not hesitate to email me or schedule in a free 30 minute chat to discuss. I am always happy to help.

PS - most people want to know what everyone else is like? Will I like them? Will they like me? Well, what I can say is that every single member of my challenges including the ones already signed up to this one, are amazing supportive humans that you would be proud to mingle with and call your friend. I INCLUDE YOU in this category too.


Small Groups

Limited Capacity


$360 AUD

Pay in Full

  • 1 x private session
  • 10 x group sessions 
  • Daily video content
  • Connection, knowledge & action
  • Small group with limited capacity 
  • Access to Alcohol Freedom Library and motivation interviews 

Join now to reserve you spot!




$390 AUD

Multiple payments option of 3 x $130

  • 1 X private session
  • 10 x group sessions
  • Daily video content
  • Connection, knowledge & action
  • Small group with limited capacity
  • Access to Alcohol Freedom Library and motivation interviews 

Join now!



Can you fit this into your schedule?

(I bet you can! This is the time to put your health & your goals first)

PS - These get togethers are casual, fun and informative and I promise will be time that you look forward to setting aside each week

Group zoom meetings, 6pm (AEST) on the following Wednesdays & Sundays for 60 minutes

Day 1 of our challenge commences on 1 July by way of a video in our Private Facebook Group. Our challenge zoom group meeting  schedule is as follows:

3 July 2024 (Wednesday)

7 July 2024 (Sunday)

10 July 2024 (Wednesday)

14 July 2024 (Sunday)

17 July 2024 (Wednesday)

21 July 2024 (Sunday)

24 July 2024 (Wednesday)

28 July 2024 (Sunday)

31 July 2024 (Wednesday)

4 August 2024 (Sunday)


The Content!

Daily Alcohol Freedom Topics

Week 1: What Drives Us to Drink?

  1. What is your “alcohol story?” Why quit drinking? Why Now?
  2. Let's hear from the experts: What are the common traits of a 10-year plus alcohol free person?
  3. Future letter to you in the present tense 
  4. Alcohol's impact to how neurochemistry & how we can use our brain's flexibility to create change
  5. Why do we drink the way we do? (Our Limiting Beliefs)
  6. Nourishing our nervous systems
  7. Big Emotional Triggers

Week 2 - Let's Tool-up (Cravings, Techniques, Daily Practices,  Nutrition)

  1. The Risk Window (Your Daily Practice)
  2. Nutrition, Movement & Sleep
  3. Surfing the Urge & Mindfulness
  4. Playing the Tape Forward & Visualising Meditation
  5. Duck Mode (Yes means maybe) & The Voice of Alcohol
  6. Big emotional triggers revisited (Resentment, Boredom, Loneliness, Anger)
  7. Reward, Soldiering On / Mediocracy

Week 3 - Sober Socialising!

  1. Sober Socialising, What to Say to Your Friends, Alcohol-Free first
  2. Social Anxiety Game Plan
  3. The Power of Connection 
  4. Sober Inspiration, Shifting Your Perspective 
  5. What if My Partner Still Drinks?
  6. Holidays, Random Events - When Life Throws a Curve Ball
  7. Networking With Style

Week 4 - A New Perspective

  1. Health Impacts vs Health Gains
  2. Moderation vs Only Two Doors / Time to Stop Knocking?
  3. Non-negotiables - What are Your Lines in the Sand?
  4. Your Personalised Plan
  5. Future You Focus
  6. Perspective Shift & Reflection
  7. Thriving AF!

(Plus: Motivational interviews, sober tool-kit, grounding resources, access to my alcohol freedom library and more)


This is why I do these challenges 

I found Isabella through her wonderful podcast and felt like I knew her already. I felt like the universe had pointed me in her direction! I'm so happy I joined the challenge. I have forever changed the way I view alcohol. Thank you Isabella!


This group was my weekly lifeline that kept me going on my journey. I felt less alone and stronger knowing I had my challenge group behind me. I still have a long way to go but this challenge refocussed me. I'll be back for another!


I signed up to this challenge when my life was complete chaos but I know that I had to something drastic and different.  So so glad I did. I felt seen, supported and I have a new perspective around what it means to be an alcohol free woman!


Highly recommended! Isabella is one of those courageous women leading us all to a new way of living without alcohol. She's been there! Isabella is gently encouraging and full of motivation and information. This challenge will get you on the right track. It did for me anyway.


Still unsure?

Still unsure?

Book into a 30 minute no obligation free chat with me to see if this challenge is the right fit for you.


As I said, "we'll be right here waiting for you!"



Don't miss your spot in 2024


$360 AUD

Pay in full



$390 AUD

Multiple payments 3 x $130


Doors shut 9am, Friday 28 June 2024!

Learn some more about what I do

Sign up to my newsletter
The Not Drinking Today Podcast
My Website
De-Stress With Isabella Podcast
My Instagram