You get immediate access to a wealth of knowledge and resources to help you drink less, including how to get through urges and cravings, calming meditations and breath work to regulate your nervous system, socialising tips and frequently asked questions. Plus motivational interviews with alcohol free experts!


Purchase this as a stand alone resource here or get it free with the Alcohol Revolution Online Program


Hello, I'm Isabella,

Let me tell you what my Alcohol Freedom Library is all about

I am a registered counsellor specialising in helping men and women to drink less alcohol. I've had my share of hurdles when it comes to alcohol but thankfully that is now in the rear view vision mirror for me. 

The Alcohol Freedom Library is  space filled with alcohol freedom tools and techniques, like cravings busters, motivation interviews from expert coaches that I have had on the podcast, nervous system regulation techniques and frequently asked questions about how to drink less.

It's a living library and so it will always grow.

This library comes free with my Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Online Course.

Or it can be bought as a stand alone library.



What is inside the library?

Urges & Cravings

Short videos on how to get through urges and cravings,  like surf the urge, play the tape forward, HALT, Duck mode and more.

Motivating Interviews

Recorded interviews with amazing coaches and experts about their alcohol story and how they got be free!


Answers to common questions that I frequently hear about alcohol, how to quit, how to socialise, travel, get motivated... the works!

Nervous system hacks

You will connect, share and interact with your challenge members in your private group and bi-weekly meetings to gain motivation and accoutability

Socialising tips

Resources, guidance and support to help you socialise more confidently alcohol free


Learn about you, what motivates, what allows you to thrive

Resources 24 / 7

Alcohol Freedom Library

Start today



  • Resources 24/7
  • Urges and cravings
  • Motivation interviews
  • Frequently asked questions about alcohol
  • Nervous system hacks
  • Social tips
  • All about you


Purchase and access now