6-Week Signature Alcohol  Transformation Program

with the support of me, Isabella, an experienced Alcohol Counsellor and co-host of the Not Drinking Today Podcast

Reconnection with your health & vitality

Join the Alcohol Revolution


My signature program, The Alcohol Revolution, will guide you through 6 weeks of drinking less. You don't have to do this alone! Get daily coachable support and change the way you think about the drink long term. This program is a self-guided video course (dropped on a weekly basis in advance)

Sign up

The Alcohol Revolution 

A 6-Week Comprehensive Alcohol-Free Program

An Online Course that Works

This is for you if...

✔️ You are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired because of how much you drink

✔️ You want a comprehensive transformational program created by an alcohol counsellor which is effective and motivating

✔️ You are finding it hard to drink less alone

✔️ You are a Grey Area Drinker or sober curious

✔️ You know you can feel & look a whole lot better with less alcohol in your life 


Please note: This program not for you if you are physically addicted to alcohol.  If this is you, please discuss your alcohol use with a medical professional as soon as possible.



"After working with many men and women to reach their drinking goals, I know that your reasons for wanting to stop now were the same as they were last year and will be the same in 5 year's time unless you change your drinking behaviours now."

Listen to that inner voice

This 6-week program is my signature transformational program. It is comprehensive and comes with my Alcohol Freedom Library plus more. It will alter the way you think about alcohol and set you up for success.

The content was created by me, a registered counsellor, using the techniques I use in my private practice.

It is hard to imagine a life without alcohol. I get it but I promise you that can socialise and live a much happier and healthier life without it. I do it everyday and I wouldn't change a thing.



Videos for each day (plus bonus videos) dropped every week covering these essential alcohol freedom topics:

Starting With Focus & Intention

7 videos in week one

Start strong and imprint the gravitas of this challenge firmly in your mind. Explore topics like what are your deep fears at stopping? Why now?  What are your hopes at transforming into the best version of you?Understand 'am I an alcoholic?', start a daily routine that sets you up for success and start feel confident that you can do this plus more!

Alcohol, Sugar, Data Points & Your Nervous System

7 videos in week two

Learn about alcohol: how does it draw you in? what does it do chemically to us? Health risks and health gains at stopping, alcohol-induced-lows, what is your alcohol voice and how to quieten it? Learn about the sugar & stress loop, slip ups data points) and why nourishing your nervous system is so incredibly important. Important week!

Why You Desire Alcohol, Stress & Self-Soothing

7 videos in week three

Discover why do you drink the way you do? Learn why your alcohol life story is relevant in informing your present drinking behaviours, explore your limiting beliefs, how to reframe them and why it has felt so hard relying on your willpower alone to stop. This week is about empowering you to change your habit effectively

Sober Socialising, Connection, & Social Anxiety

7 videos in week 4

Sober socialising? How confronting! Do you drink to socialise, fit-in, celebrate and connect with your friends and family? Perhaps you drink to network, make connections? Has alcohol become your safety blanket to dampen anxiety? What are your social preferences anyway? Let's explore and reframe your need to drink to socialise. Phew.

Loneliness, Boredom, Courage, Secret Drinking and Reward

7 videos in week 5

Drinking to socialise is one thing but drinking for reasons connected with the "self" is another thing all together and is also exceptionally common.  Is your drinking connected to feelings of self worth, confidence, loneliness, or as a reward? Perhaps you drink to escape? Let's explore this and untangle alcohol from your sense of identity and self so that you can start to thrive without holding you back!

Your Personal Plan & Future You

7 videos in week 6

Now for AN INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT part of any mission to drink less. It's also an exciting part! Here you will  create your personal plan around alcohol going forward  Will you continue alcohol-free? Will you moderate? Are you liberated or fixated, what your non-negotiables and what to do if you cross that line in the sand again? Ending on a positive, let's visualise happy and proud future you.

As part of this purchase you will receive:

immediate access to The Alcohol Freedom Library

Alcohol Freedom Library

You get immediate access to a wealth of knowledge and resources to help you drink less, including how to get through urges and cravings, calming meditations and breath work to regulate your nervous system, socialising tips and frequently asked questions. Plus motivational interviews!

The Alcohol Revolution Ebook

This Ebook accompanies my signature 6 Week Challenge. It contains all of the reflection sheets, including reframe tools, your personal alcohol plan and much more.

Support Squad

A small but growing community that connects and cheers eachother along on a private Facebook group and who has the option of meeting monthly via my free first Sunday of every month zooms!

Podcast version

You will also receive The Alcohol Revolution in a Podcast version which is handy to listen on the go. You place the RSS feed into Apple or similar and bingo.


Get The Best Value for you


$399 AUD

Most Popular

  • Daily Videos (42 videos plus) with content for each week ahead dropped in advance
  • Alcohol Freedom Library Access
  • Curated weekly and mid-weekly emails from me
  • The Podcast
  • Companion Ebook


$420 AUD

4 X $105 payments

  • Daily Videos (42 videos plus) with content for each week ahead dropped in advance)
  • Alcohol Freedom Library Access
  • Curated weekly and mid-weekly emails from me
  • The Podcast
  • Ebook

Does it feel like this?

  • Groundhog day
  • The alcohol merry-go-round
  • Attempting and breaking your moderation rules
  • Feeling trapped and regretful
  • Endless "day ones"

Are you striving for this?

  • Relief, strength, empowerment
  • Hangover free mornings
  • The best sleep in the world
  • Self respect, self trust and self love
  • Energy, revitalisation and motivation
  • Excitement and hope in your future restored
  • Cancer risks reduced
  • Less bloating, clear skin and eyes and joy

This is why I know it works

Listen to what my clients are saying

 "Comprehensive, well-presented and an incredibly informative program!"


"Your course is a great asset to have as it is in lovely bite sized chunks of information that can be digested at your own pace. Thanks again for helping me reframe my beliefs and being a great listener!"


"When it comes to conversations around alcohol, even as society is changing, and learning, there is still so much shame and stigma attached to this drug. From my first session with Isabella I felt that I was in a safe space, and was welcomed to start making some big changes in my life. I learnt that shame really grows in the dark, and Isabella helped me shine a light on this so that I could learn to forgive myself, be kind to myself and in turn, remove the need for alcohol as a coping mechanism from my life, I reached my 35th birthday meeting my goals and have been able to welcome in the new year confident in staying sober. I feel that the fusion between email check in, zoom meetings, resources provided and also further recommendations of external resources from Isabella provided a full-circle service that I was very satisfied with. Thank you Isabella."


"I came to Isabella feeling pretty low and desperate to stop binge drinking. Isabella made me feel welcomed and gave me a plan to change the way I drank. I probably wasn't the easiest of clients but Isabella kept encouraging me and I have found that I am a much happier person on the side."




I'm Isabella and I help people to drink less alcohol

I am a registered counsellor, a This Naked Mind and Grey Area Drinking Master Coach, an Intuitive Eating Counsellor and podcast host of the Not Drinking Today Podcast. I am a mum, step-mum, recovered lawyer and an alcohol-free woman.

At the start I drank alcohol to socialise, then to relieve stress during my legal career, then to help ease my parenting fatigue until I found that I was drinking just to feel normal.

My 6-week Alcohol Revolution Program contains all the techniques that worked for me plus a whole lot more. 

My personal story can be found in episode 3 the Not Drinking Today podcast.

If I can do this you can too.

Isabella xo


Frequently Asked Questions


Get The Best Value for you


$399 AUD

Most Popular

  • Daily Videos (42 videos plus) with content for each week ahead dropped in advance
  • Alcohol Freedom Library Access
  • Curated weekly and mid-weekly emails from me
  • The Podcast
  • Companion Ebook


$420 AUD

4 X $105 payments

  • Daily Videos (42 videos plus) with content for each week ahead dropped in advance)
  • Alcohol Freedom Library Access
  • Curated weekly and mid-weekly emails from me
  • The Podcast
  • Ebook

Here is a sobering statistic that we should all know about:

It takes the average person 11 years to actually do something about their drinking

You deserve the investment today

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