Am I an "Alcoholic"? "Do I have a problem"? 

"Am I An Alcoholic?!" is one of the most frequently searched phrases on the internet when it comes to alcohol.

I searched this at one point when I was feeling really worried about how I was drinking.

I've included the 8 considerations that I use with my clients when we discuss this question.

It's really important to know the status of your relationship with alcohol. Only then can you create your plan to make healthy changes. 

Are you ready to assess whether your relationship with alcohol is healthy? Or does it need some fine-tuning?

Simply download this free resource to get started!


"Am I an Alcoholic"?

When it comes to alcohol it is best to be forearmed and alert to whether you are in control.  If you are starting to question whether alcohol is playing too big a role in your life then you deserve to pause, assess the situation and consider a reset.  This resource contains the 8 considerations that I use with my clients when they ask me this question.

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